Tag: form

  • STJ Volleyball Championship Graghics Challenge

    Help with the graphics for our Senior Girls ASAA Championship website. Look at the header images here: supervoley asaa.reveal.ca ours We can do better, I know it. The images you use to create the header MUST be “public domain” such as those from freefoto.com. I prefer 100% verifiable original artwork. If I am in doubt,…

  • Grade 10 Mages reflect on the last week

    Recall images, faces, reactions, hecklers, stumbles, successes from the last week preparing and performing for the elementary students. See if you can’t work into your reflections a discussion of the postulates: can something come from nothing? does God exist? is our soul immortal? is our will our own? As well, discuss the presence of fear…

  • English 10 Mages

    Get a magic wand, silk hankie, a coin, pin, string/thread, rubberbands, and a deck of cards. You’ll want to wear a sport coat/blazer (to help hide hands/stuff in big pockets). NO FIRE. NO SWORDS. NO DECAPITATING the teacher tricks. You may not saw a kid in half. I’ve got a dvd that is just awesome.…

  • Anti-Bullying Song Research Assignment

    Blog an online research about a song that relates to Heather’s workshop(s) about: Bullying Domestic Violence Peace Getting Along Requirements: Lyrics, portions cut’pasted with hyperlink to source. 250-words: What is going on in the song? What is the message the artist is trying to send? How do you feel about this message? How does it…

  • Plato’s Cave Allegory

    from Republic, BOOK VII And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened: Behold! human beings living in a underground den, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs…