Tag: iblog

  • Thaw, resolve, adieu…(English 30)

    Look for a category “Personal Psychology” in the sidebar at http://snowflakes.snowotherway.org/. Pick and choose. Trackback here. Thanks, adieu.

  • Prepare for English Language Arts Finals

    For those in the midst, or looking ahead at finals in my LA classes(9, 10-1, 20-1, 20-2, 30-1, 30-2). Consider the outcomes we’ve tried to achieve. Enhancing the artistry of communication has been a strong technical focus. Skills mastered include using online blogging tools, Word Processing, Spreadsheets, even graphical enhancements using Photoshop or audio/video podcasting…

  • Exptrapolation

    The life which is unexamined is not worth living. – Plato Write a story in which a protagonist undergoes a transformation in the search for self. Have your character encounter basic questions about his/her identity. Consider using the following images:

  • Catch one of these on your tongue (LA 9)

    The snowflake blog deals out an assortment of writing ideas. Students can pick from a variety of prompts. Try not to make any two posts the same. Send a trackback.

  • An Exodus Within(RS 25)

    Sophie was introduced to Aristotle. Ideas no longer belong to a realm of their own, but somehow the idea is within the thing. Aristotle could explain this by talking of sculptures and stone. Review what was said earlier about Plato and art. Discuss Aristotle’s take on the place of ideas and art. Search for a…

  • When the basic needs are met, then what?(RS 25)

    Today we asked if there was something all humans strive for after all needs have been met. Of course, only a philosopher can imagine a world in which all needs could be met. But there must be something to the question asked of Sophie: Is there something else that all humans, all times and all…

  • “These are Aliens, Dad!”

    Some have noticed that some otherwise regular discussions in class eventually turn to a discussion of, um…, ahh… well …, poop. The inspiration of such mudtimes no doubt erupt from experience with my three growing boys aged 6, 4, and 2. Several days may pass without reference to “it.” But when the subject rears its…

  • Looking for News

    Try the following suggestions to increase your daily intake of news feeds. Surf the latest headlines from all over the world. Results are based on google search rankings, the larger the font –> the more hits in google, I recall. Headlines link to an array of news organizations. Aggregate a few headlines from, say, cbc.ca/rss…

  • Pingback Trackback of the Canadian Outback

    English 20(Chem) Your task is to complete Writing Activity 1 from my canpoets blog. Just following those instructions will not be enough, however. Your assignment will not be complete until a “trackback” or “pingback” appears in the comment section on my Writing Activity 1 post. I’ll have a bag of cookies on standby. Cookie of…

  • What happened to the animals in BNW?

    What happened to the animals in BNW? Suggest a brief history of “pets” up to AF632. What attitudes do people have towards animals? Why are there no “conditioned” animals as pets? What are the attitudes towards animals on the reservation? Consider our society. Are pets necessary? Why? Oh and I have a searchable BNW etext…