Tag: poe

  • The Night Aunt Dottie Caught Elvis’s Scarf When He Tossed It From The Stage Of The Rushmore Plaza Civic Center

    This exercise is simple: write a poem about a family member meeting a famous person. All of us have such incidents embedded in family history or folklore: the day Dad shook hands with Ike in France; the time Mom spilled coffee on Elizabeth Taylor in a pizza parlour in San Mateo; the night Aunt Dottie…

  • To Make a Dadaist Poem

    Take a news article (from your RSS aggregator, for example) Take some scissors Print the article Get a small bag (pencil case, ziplock, lunch bag) Cut the article into bits, one word per bit. Put the bits into the bag Shake gently(the bag, duh!) Take out each bit one by one and copy conscientiously in…

  • My Mother’s Kitchen

    Use pencil crayons to draw a picture of your mother’s kitchen. Put the oven in it, and also something green, and something dead. Write a poem about your mother’s kitchen. You are not in this poem, but some female relation – aunt, sister, close friend – must walk into the kitchen during the course of…

  • Pingback Trackback of the Canadian Outback

    English 20(Chem) Your task is to complete Writing Activity 1 from my canpoets blog. Just following those instructions will not be enough, however. Your assignment will not be complete until a “trackback” or “pingback” appears in the comment section on my Writing Activity 1 post. I’ll have a bag of cookies on standby. Cookie of…

  • Translations: Idea to Image

    Write as quickly as you can and as much as you can using the following list of 4 words in addition to a few spontaneously selected words. Rage Order Justice Common Pollute Addiction Challenge Fantastic Binder Then remove the listed words from your writing and leave a set of () behind. Next to each listed…

  • Ten Minute Spill

    Write a ten-line poem. Find a proverb, adage, familiar phrase, or brainy quote that you have changed in some way as well as five of the following words: cliff, blackberry, needle, cloud, voice, mother, whir, lick. You have ten minutes. No rhyming. P.S. We will be practising poetry posting permanently. Please create categories in your…

  • First Lines

    Turn off moderation from your Dashboard==>Options ==>Discussion. Begin your post with the first line of a poem. Now you go to someone else’s blog and comment the next line. (Meanwhile your post will collect lines for your poem.) Try to post one line on everyone’s blog. When you commented on all posts go back to…