slickered – deceived
Sodom and Gomorrah – Biblical cities destroyed by fire because of the sinfulness of the people
- How does Granpa help Little Tree to understand and to accept ol’ Ringer’s death?
- What advice does Granpa give Little Tree about how to tell if somebody is mean or lying?
- Critics believe that some incidents in this novel are intended by the author to be satirical. In what way is Carter satirizing or ridiculing politicians in this chapter?
- Little Tree listens to man with the calf and believes his words. He does not follow Granpa’s advice to listen to the man’s tone. Find a passage in this chapter illustrating how the man with the calf uses lies to gain Little Tree’s confidence in the same way the politician uses lies to gain votes.
- Find a metaphor in this chapter illustrating the idea that the politicians in Washington are so crooked that they must all watch each other all of the time.
- In what sense is Carter satirizing or ridiculing Christians in this chapter?
- Find a passage in this chapter illustrating that in Granpa’s opinion, Indians have no power in Washington.
- Find an example of a paradoxical expression.