NRSV Religion 25 Final Exam 2008- Glutten Free

Would God enjoy a game of Bingo? Yahtzee? Battleship? Texas Hold’em? Would God enjoy the lottery?

Just a random (rhetorical) thought.

Anyway, determine which questions have been randomly assigned to you(open your Fortune Cookie). Do only the questions you’ve been assigned. If your Fortune Cookie has a “bonus”, your response to that question will be scored as a bonus as well. Your grade will not exceed 100%. Mwaahahaa.

Good luck. I mean it.

If you would rather answer all questions, go right ahead.

  1. What is a Rice Krispie Square for?
  2. Is there a single basic substance of which all Rice Krispie Squares are made?
  3. Do Rice Krispie Squares change?
  4. Do forces exist outside the Rice Krispie Square that determine its “Rice Krispie Square-ness”?
  5. Why do bad things happen to good Rice Krispie Squares?
  6. Can a Rice Krispie Square be evil?
  7. What is the role of a single Rice Krispie Square amongst a plate of Rice Krispie Squares?
  8. Are any two Rice Krispie Squares identical?
  9. How ought a Rice Krispie Square behave?
  10. Can a Rice Krispie Square not be a Rice Krispie Square?
  11. What is the relationship between a good recipe and a good Rice Krispie Square?
  12. What is the relationship between a good baker and a good recipe?
  13. What is the relationship between a good baker and a good Rice Krispie Square?
  14. By sensing only the Rice Krispie Square, what can be reasoned about the baker?
  15. What being first said, “This shall be a Rice Krispie Square!”?
  16. What do all future Rice Krispie Squares have in common with the “first Rice Krispie Square”?
  17. What do all bakers have in common with the first baker?
  18. What came first: the Rice Krispie Square, or the recipe, or the baker?
  19. Is there a single source of all Rice Krispie Squares?
  20. Can the same Rice Krispie Square be eaten twice?
  21. What Rice Krispie Square would be so good that you would give up being the King of Persia?
  22. What forces bind and separate Rice Krispie Squares?
  23. Could a Rice Krispie Square be made of stuff that was boundless?
  24. What four basic elements are in every Rice Krispie Square?
  25. If there were no more Rice Krispie Squares, would there still be a baker?
  26. Would the ultimate Rice Krispie Square-baker only choose one kind of Rice Krispie Square to bake, ever?
  27. Should the recipes for the best Rice Krispie Squares be kept secret? or sold to the highest bidder? or shared without conditions?
  28. Where do Rice Krispie Squares belong?
  29. If you met a sophist selling Rice Krispie Squares, would you buy one?
  30. How is a Rice Krispie Square like an atom?
  31. Would you know if you’ve eaten a Rice Krispie Square made from rarefied air?
  32. Who would bake better Rice Krispie Squares, Plato or Aristotle? Describe Plato’s Rice Krispie Square.
  33. If all good Rice Krispie Squares ever baked get eaten, would we still know what is a good Rice Krispie Square?
  34. Why would a baker still struggle to bake poor Rice Krispie Squares under conditions which make it impossible to bake good Rice Krispie Squares?
  35. Why do bakers bake Rice Krispie Squares in batches rather than one at a time?
  36. Is the intent of the baker relevant to what you do with a Rice Krispie Square?
  37. Why do bakers seem reluctant to come out of the kitchen and follow their Rice Krispie Squares to where they are eaten?
  38. Should you be able to tell the difference between a “homemade” Rice Krispie Square made with care, love, compassion, kindness, and a Rice Krispie Square made by an industrial machine?
  39. Do you remember the best Rice Krispie Square you ever ate? Should you?
  40. When will you taste again the best Rice Krispie Square you ever tasted?
  41. Can you tell the difference between a rich Rice Krispie Square and a poor Rice Krispie Square? Should there be poor Rice Krispie Squares?
  42. Are there Rice Krispie Squares anywhere else in the universe?
  43. How is it possible for two bakers in different places, who don’t know each other, to make similar Rice Krispie Squares?
  44. Should rain forests be destroyed to make room for more Rice Krispie Squares?
  45. Should there be more songs sung about Rice Krispie Squares?
  46. Should Rice Krispie Squares be afraid of Rice Krispie Square monsters?
  47. If you were deserted on an island, and found a Rice Krispie Square, what would you do with the Rice Krispie Square?
  48. When a baker finds that they have more Rice Krispie Squares than what fits the Rice Krispie Square jar, what should be done with the extra Rice Krispie Squares?
  49. You are an inmate in a prison. A sadistic guard wants your last Rice Krispie Square, if you don’t give it to him he will not only eat your Rice Krispie Square but some other innocent inmate’s Rice Krispie Square as well. You don’t have any doubt that he means what he says. What should you do?

What, if anything, do the Rice Krispie Squares we’ve shared this term have to do with philosophy? Consider any of the following or come up with your own reasons. Respond in the form of an essay. Inject your own humor, wit, personality, voice.

Fate put them here and it is their destiny to be eaten – Pre Socratics
They are a message from the Gods. – Hermes
They were bought and paid for. – Sophists
They are longing to return to the realm of the Rice Krispie Square. – Plato
They are from Delphi – Know Thy Rice Krispie Square!
They are created by a First Baker. – Aristotle
I don’t know. – Socrates
It’s better than Hemlock. – Socrates
The existence of appetite shows man’s place in society. – Plato
Rice Krispie Squares? What Rice Krispie Squares? These are mere shadows. – Plato
These Rice Krispie Squares will not eat themselves, they are nonliving. – Aristotle
Why do my Rice Krispie Squares have tiny holes in them and why are they a bit damp around the edges? – Sophie
The abundance of Rice Krispie Squares only demonstrates the appeal of a Golden Mean. – Aristotle
The abundance of Rice Krispie Squares demonstrates that the ideal is immutable. – Plato
The Rice Krispie Squares are here because the task was required for homework. – Sophie’s Teacher.
The Rice Krispie Squares are a portal to a parallel hyper-reality in which we are the ideas. – Alberto Knox
_______ __ ___ _______ _____.– read fortune in Rice Krispie Square