Tag: image

  • English 30 Poetry Assignment

    Respond to each of the following in a well-considered post in your blog. Limit your selection of detail to a separate poem for each response. Explain how image and symbol reinforce theme in a poem. Explain how facts about a writer’s life are relevant to your understanding of a poem. Explain how a poem can…

  • Prepare for English Language Arts Finals

    For those in the midst, or looking ahead at finals in my LA classes(9, 10-1, 20-1, 20-2, 30-1, 30-2). Consider the outcomes we’ve tried to achieve. Enhancing the artistry of communication has been a strong technical focus. Skills mastered include using online blogging tools, Word Processing, Spreadsheets, even graphical enhancements using Photoshop or audio/video podcasting…

  • Exptrapolation

    The life which is unexamined is not worth living. – Plato Write a story in which a protagonist undergoes a transformation in the search for self. Have your character encounter basic questions about his/her identity. Consider using the following images:

  • The Night Aunt Dottie Caught Elvis’s Scarf When He Tossed It From The Stage Of The Rushmore Plaza Civic Center

    This exercise is simple: write a poem about a family member meeting a famous person. All of us have such incidents embedded in family history or folklore: the day Dad shook hands with Ike in France; the time Mom spilled coffee on Elizabeth Taylor in a pizza parlour in San Mateo; the night Aunt Dottie…

  • My Mother’s Kitchen

    Use pencil crayons to draw a picture of your mother’s kitchen. Put the oven in it, and also something green, and something dead. Write a poem about your mother’s kitchen. You are not in this poem, but some female relation – aunt, sister, close friend – must walk into the kitchen during the course of…

  • Plato’s Mimetic Theory of Art(RS 25)

    Have a look at this powerpoint file here. Wikipedia additional terms needed to answer the following: Given that what we experience of reality is merely a simulation in our minds, then all art is a simulation of a simulation. Is art useless? In our engineered age, an age of HDTV, megapixels images, colour laser printers,…

  • Flickr Plugin works, again.

    Flickr changed how you access your images in early September. So I’ve updated the plugin. You’ll need to have an “API Key” and a “Shared Secret”, now. It is a good idea to put images on Flickr instead, or in addition to, stj servers. Flickr badges are cool, too. Do not activate the Flickr plugin…

  • iBox for your images

    Click the images. Before iBox After iBox Want to know how? Start a thread in the forum, “How to iBox?”. When three STJ bloggers post, let me know and I’ll join in with the secret.

  • Been searching CSS/HTML/PHP code? Try this.

    HTML as Image A very “crystalline” structure to iblog

  • STJ Volleyball Championship Graghics Challenge

    Help with the graphics for our Senior Girls ASAA Championship website. Look at the header images here: supervoley asaa.reveal.ca ours We can do better, I know it. The images you use to create the header MUST be “public domain” such as those from freefoto.com. I prefer 100% verifiable original artwork. If I am in doubt,…