Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to:
- Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences
- Comprehend literature and other texts in oral, print, visual, and multimedia forms, and respond personally, critically, and creatively.
- Manage ideas and information
- determine inquiry or research requirements
- follow a plan of inquiry
- Create oral, print, visual, and multimedia texts, and enhance the clarity and artistry of communication
- Respect, support, and collaborate with others
Specific Outcomes:
- Students will produce a body of evidence in response to 6-12 poems.
- Students will internalize focus questions.
- Students will infuse ICT outcomes.
- Students will write a 5 Paragraph Argumentative Essay Exam in response to a teacher selected focus question.
- Students will improve their “TIC” (Technique, Insight, Communication)
- Student writing skills will emphasize an increase in personal voice and a decrease in X=X errors
Learning Activities and Strategies:
- Group “In It“
- Group “Individuals“
- Group “Losers“
- Group “Outsiders“
- Group “Times and Places“
- Group “TBA”
Students will plan a reading/response strategy.
- select 1 category
- select focus questions
- map out a response/reading plan to produce a body of evidence
- consider features in the texts/blogs for response ideas
- “Bloggerize” a response to each poem after considering the comprehension questions
Resources and Materials:
- Oxford Anthology of Canadian Literature
- Your STJ iBlog
- Canadian Poetry Study
- 33% Body of Evidence (1 submission)
- 33% Writing Activity (1 submission)
- 34% Exam
- Date TBA: Writing Assignment Submissions
- Date TBA: Exam
- peer support should emphasize development of voice in error-free writing