- (___/4) What is the difference between Faith and superstition?
Faith : Is that you believe in something and that is predestined, you have the ability to reason, logic and logos.
Superstition is Emotion and Imagination.
1. Can something come from nothing?
2. God Exists?
3. Immortal Soul?
4. Man’s free will? - (___/1) What was the inscription at Delphi?
– know thyself. - (___/2) Is there such thing as Natural Modesty?
-No Society decides and Sophists
(pg 63) Social conventions - (___/2) How can Sophists be objectively wrong?
– No absolute norms.
– What is right is in vogue.
– They teach for money. - (___/2) What did the Pre-Socratics think about Fate and Sickness?
– They believed that Fate controls history
-Sickness is a result of Divine intervention - (___/6) How are Jesus and Socrates alike?
-Enemies of the state
-Spoke on behalf of a greater truth.
-Their activities and beliefs cost them their lives.
-could have abandoned faith to survive.
other - (___/2) In Greek mythology who was Hermes?
(Pg. 60)
-The messenger of the god.
-the God of Sea Travelers. - (___/3) What is the difference between a Sophist and a Philosopher?
(pg. 62) Sophists reject philosophy
– Sophist: takes money for their teachings.
– They are satisfied with what they know or what they think they know but really don’t .
Philosopher: Knows that in reality he knows very little but constantly strives to achieve true insight. - (___/2) What did Socrates mean when he said “He who knows what good is will do good?”
(pg 69)(59)
– the right insight leads to the right action.
– “only he who does right can be a virtuous man.” - (___/2) Explain Plato’s … “a longing to return to the realm of the soul…”
(pg 85) to see utter perfection
(Pg.89) – Ideals exist , reality is shadow.
(Pg.101) – “Idea of chicken before “real ” chicken. - (___/3) Describe Plato’s Academy.
Located in Athens.
– Academies ( The Great Hero)
– Philosophy , Mathematics, Gym. Later: Science - (___/6) According to Plato, what is the relationship of man to Sate?
-Head > Reason > Wisdom > Rulers
– Chest >Will > Courage > Auxiliaries
– Abdomen > Appetite > Temperance > Laborer’s - (___/2) Can you have true knowledge about something in a constant state of change?
-Plato: No ideals exist in Realm of Ideas.
– no thing is immutable only Ideals are real. - (___/2) Who would make a better sculptor, Plato or Aristotle?
(Pg. 109) – Plato would be a better sculptor but it would take longer to get the results because he needs perfection. - (___/2) Are we born with innate ideas?
Plato: Yes Forgotten ideas that respond to re-teaching.
Aristotle: No Only innate Reason - (___/2) For Aristotle, contrast living and non-living.
(pg 113)
a. Living has “potentiality for change.”
b. Nonliving can only change by external influence. - (___/2) What does Aristotle mean by “The First Mover”?
– God moves the stars
– God remains at rest (something from nothing) - (___/5) Indicate the factors that contribute to the formation of a person’s philosophy of life.
– Environment and social situation
(extra) – 4 postulates. - (___/2) Why did Sophie’s teacher giver her an A on her Religious knowledge test? Why could he have given her a D?
It is important to have a personal point of view
– her answers were right
didn’t do her homework. - (___/2) What is the difference between Eastern and Western mysticism?
(p. 137,138) east=union with cosmic spirit in this world(material – internal)
west=transformation/portation to a place above and beyond(ideal – outside) - (___/2 ) Why were Cynics happy?
(130) With nothing because Happiness does not exist in external advantages as luxury, power, health. - (___/2) What did Diogenes say to Alexander the Great?
(130) “Stand aside, you’re blocking my sun” - (___/2) Why are legal statutes unnecessary to Stoics?
Laws were incomplete imitations of Natural Laws embedded in Nature. Naturals laws apply to everyone, including slaves. - (___/2) What desire was common to all of the Hellenistic philosophers?
To discover how mankind should best live and die. (Ethics) - (___/2) Who are the “garden philosophers”? Why?
(133)Epicureans in his garden - (___/2) Would Plotinus enjoy basketball or volleyball?
- (___/2) What does Aquinas believe are the two paths to God?
-through faith and the Christian Revelation
-through reason and the senses-181 - (___/1) What inscription did Paul find on an alter?
-“To the unkown God”-161 - (___/1) What does “Sophia” mean?
-in Greek, the female side of God-186 - (___/2) When we talk about Socarates and Jesus, what dangers do we come across?
-Socrates: we saw how dangerous it could be to appeal to people’s reason
-Jesus: we see how dangerous it can be to demand unconditional brotherly love and unconditional forgiveness-159 - (___/3) Who were the three great kings of Israel?
Saul, David, and Soloman-156 - (___/4) What was Paul’s revolutionary philosophy of God?
God “dwelleth not in temples made with hands”
A personal God who intervenes in the course of history-162 - (___/2) What was God’s covenant with Abraham and his seed?
That Abraham and all his seed would keep the Lord’s commandments. In exchange God would protect all the children of Abraham-155 - (___/6) What is the difference between the Indo-European and Semite origins?
Indo-Europeans: life is continuous circle without beginning many gods(Buddhism, Hinduism)
Semites: life is a time line with a creation and a day of judgment one God(Xty, Judaism, Islam) 152-153 - (___/1) What scared Sophie and Joanna about the postcards?
One was postmarked for today-146 - (___/3) Should non-Jews first become Jewish before becoming a Christian?
Paul said it was unnecessary
Christianity is more than a Jewish sect
The “Old Covenant” between God and Israel has been replaced by the “New Covenant” by Jesus between God and Man-163 - (___/2) What did Jesus call God that was unprecedented in the Jewish community?
Father, Abba-158 - (___/2) Name the capitals of the Eastern and Western Empires?
Constantinople and Rome, -171 - (___/1) What is the Latin word for Pope?
Papa – 173 - (___/4) What epochs surrounded the middle ages?
Renaissance(1400AD) - (___/1) The word “Christ” is a Greek translation of what Hebrew word meaning “the anointed one”?
Messiah - (___/4) Compare and Contrast Plato with St. Augustine.
Both: ideas originate in the Divine mind/realm.
Augustine: God created world from void, Plato: world always existed.(p177) - (___/2) Who was the female follower of Paul?
Damaris(162) - (___/6) What three cultures emerged from the Divided Roman Empire?
Latinized Christian West from Rome(aka Roman Catholic)
Greek Christian East from Constantinople(aka Byzantium, Byzantine)
Islamic Muslim from North Africa, Middle East, Spain(aka Arabic)(173-4) - (___/3) “Almost all medieval philosophy centered on this one question.” What is this question?
Must we simply believe Christian revelation or can we approach the Christian truths with the help of reason?
What was the relationship between the Greek philosophers and what the Bible said?
Was there a contradiction between the Bible and reason, or were belief and knowledge compatible?(175) - (___/2) What did St. Augustine say about Free Will?
We have free will but God has foreseen how we will live.(178) - (___/2) Who was St. Thomas Aquinas’s famous teacher?
Albert the Great(187) - (___/2) From where does evil originate?
absence of God, man’s disobedience, falling away from God’s work.(177) - (___/4) How do you discern God’s will?
-answers will vary