Please use the Progress Reflection Rubric to assess your progress in each of the general outcome areas and provide a brief justification of your assessment in the comments below. Please cite specific examples from the work you have done this term.
GENERAL OUTCOME #1: Exploring thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.
- discover possibilities
- form tentative understandings, interpretations, and positions
- experiment with language, image, and structure
- extend awareness
- consider new perspectives
- express preferences, and expand interests
- set personal goals for language growth
1 2 3 4 5 NA
GENERAL OUTCOME #2: Comprehending literature and other texts in oral, print, visual and multimedia forms, and respond personally, critically and creatively.
- respond to a variety of print and nonprint texts
- connect self, text, culture, milieu
- evaluate the verisimilitude, appropriateness, and significance of print and nonprint texts
- appreciate the effectiveness and artistry of print and nonprint texts
- construct meaning from text and context
- discern and analyze context
- understand and interpret content
- engage prior knowledge
- use reference strategies and reference technologies
- understand and appreciate textual forms, elements, and techniques
- relate form, structure, and medium to purpose, audience, and content
- relate elements, devices, and techniques to created effects
1 2 3 4 5 NA
GENERAL OUTCOME #3: Managing ideas and information.
- determine inquiry or research requirements
- focus on purpose and presentation form
- plan inquiry or research, and identify information needs and sources
- follow a plan of inquiry
- select, record, and organize information
- evaluate sources, and assess information
- form generalizations and conclusions
- review inquiry or research process and findings
1 2 3 4 5 NA
GENERAL OUTCOME #4: Creating oral, print, visual and multimedia texts, and enhancing the clarity and artistry of communication.
- develop and present a variety of print and nonprint texts
- assess text creation content
- consider and address form, structure, and medium
- develop content
- use production, publication, and presentation strategies and technologies consistent with context
- improve thoughtfulness, effectiveness, and enhance the clarity and artistry of communication
- enhance though and understanding and support and detail
- enhance organization
- consider and address matters of choice
- edit text for matters of correctness
1 2 3 4 5 NA
GENERAL OUTCOME #5: Respecting, supporting and collaborating with others.
- respect others and strengthen community
- use language and image to show respect and consideration
- appreciate diversity of expression, opinion, and perspective
- recognize accomplishments and events
- work within a group
- cooperate with others and contribute to group processes
- understand and evaluate group processes
1 2 3 4 5 NA
5 I am making consistent progress in this outcome area. My work in this area is consistent in its high quality and the examples in my working portfolio consistently demonstrate advanced skill levels in this area. My work in this area is consistently insightful and carefully considered. I routinely produce extremely meaningful work in this outcome area.
4 I am making consistent progress in this outcome area. My work in this area is often of a high quality and the examples in my working portfolio show some evidence of advanced skill levels. My work in this area is consistently thoughtful and perceptive and occasionally, insightful.
3 I am making some progress in this outcome area. While there may be some evidence of advanced skill, my working portfolio suggests that I still need to strive to achieve greater consistency in this outcome area. My work in this area is consistently appropriate and relevant, but I need to develop more strategies to help reach my potential and produce work that is thoughtful and perceptive.
2 My progress in this area is somewhat stilted either because of poor work habits, struggles with the content area or some combination of both. Still, the work that is presented in my working portfolio shows promise. I need to work with Mr. Sader to find better strategies to allow me to realize my potential in this outcome area.
1 I have made little to no progress in this area. Significant samples of work are either absent or so deficient in quality that they suggest I am simply overwhelmed by the subject matter. I need to meet with Mr. Sader in the immediate future to assess the situation and devise a plan that can lead to some level of success for me in this outcome area.
NA At this point in the course, I do not believe that we have had sufficient opportunity in class to develop this particular skill set. I expect that we will do more work in this outcome area in the months to come, but at present, I do not believe I can offer a meaningful assessment of my progress in this outcome area.