Religion 25 Students Revise Exam Questions
Submit any revisions you would like to make to the existing Religion 25 exams (see the links in the sidebar). Thanks.
So I was listening to Music from the Junos . . .(RS25)
The lyrics from K-OS’s, “Heaven Only Knows,” struck a chord with something we had been discussing in class about “mysticism.” Discuss the following K-OS lyrics based on what we’ve learned when comparing Western and Eastern Mysticism. Have a careful listen to a variety of current or classic tunes by a variety of recording artists. Which…
An Exodus Within(RS 25)
Sophie was introduced to Aristotle. Ideas no longer belong to a realm of their own, but somehow the idea is within the thing. Aristotle could explain this by talking of sculptures and stone. Review what was said earlier about Plato and art. Discuss Aristotle’s take on the place of ideas and art. Search for a…
When the basic needs are met, then what?(RS 25)
Today we asked if there was something all humans strive for after all needs have been met. Of course, only a philosopher can imagine a world in which all needs could be met. But there must be something to the question asked of Sophie: Is there something else that all humans, all times and all…
Should Believing Be Uncomfortable?(RS 25)
What do you believe? Who are you? Why are you here? Where is here? Why is there evil in the world? Sophie has begun a journey to discover these, and many other, questions. What questions is she asking, what questions have been asked of her? What questions trouble you?
Plato’s Mimetic Theory of Art(RS 25)
Have a look at this powerpoint file here. Wikipedia additional terms needed to answer the following: Given that what we experience of reality is merely a simulation in our minds, then all art is a simulation of a simulation. Is art useless? In our engineered age, an age of HDTV, megapixels images, colour laser printers,…