Style Your Blog
Before you go further, choose a theme that has a “Theme Editor” (variously titled such as “Theme Options”, “Edit Styles”). Choose a theme that allows you to change the header image AND the font colours(StripedPlus isn’t only one, is it?). Step One: Title your blog.(do not use your name) Step Two: Write your own one…
English 30 Hamlet Act 2 Done?
Before the weekend let’s be done Act 2, write whatever you need in your blogs, moderate at least three comments from anyone on your posts, help others by cross-posting comments as well. I need to have Assessment data before the long weekend for EVERYONE! Grumble, I have only three sheets from last week, jeesh! I…
CTS 10 Go Bully for Blogs
Comment on at least 3 “Bully” blogs. Moderate three on your own.
Hamlet next for English 30
Grade 12s. I must have your data from the first two/three blog assignments ASAP. Have a look in your Dashboard==>Plugins. Freely restrict/limit access to your blog by activating plugins, especially the capatchas.
Anti-Bullying Song Research Assignment
Blog an online research about a song that relates to Heather’s workshop(s) about: Bullying Domestic Violence Peace Getting Along Requirements: Lyrics, portions cut’pasted with hyperlink to source. 250-words: What is going on in the song? What is the message the artist is trying to send? How do you feel about this message? How does it…
Capatchas Stop Spam
Check your plugins, activate, learn, manage access to your blog/comments.
First Lines
Turn off moderation from your Dashboard==>Options ==>Discussion. Begin your post with the first line of a poem. Now you go to someone else’s blog and comment the next line. (Meanwhile your post will collect lines for your poem.) Try to post one line on everyone’s blog. When you commented on all posts go back to…
Plato’s Cave Allegory
from Republic, BOOK VII And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened: Behold! human beings living in a underground den, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs…