Tag: diction

  • Prepare for English Language Arts Finals

    For those in the midst, or looking ahead at finals in my LA classes(9, 10-1, 20-1, 20-2, 30-1, 30-2). Consider the outcomes we’ve tried to achieve. Enhancing the artistry of communication has been a strong technical focus. Skills mastered include using online blogging tools, Word Processing, Spreadsheets, even graphical enhancements using Photoshop or audio/video podcasting…

  • The Night Aunt Dottie Caught Elvis’s Scarf When He Tossed It From The Stage Of The Rushmore Plaza Civic Center

    This exercise is simple: write a poem about a family member meeting a famous person. All of us have such incidents embedded in family history or folklore: the day Dad shook hands with Ike in France; the time Mom spilled coffee on Elizabeth Taylor in a pizza parlour in San Mateo; the night Aunt Dottie…

  • To Make a Dadaist Poem

    Take a news article (from your RSS aggregator, for example) Take some scissors Print the article Get a small bag (pencil case, ziplock, lunch bag) Cut the article into bits, one word per bit. Put the bits into the bag Shake gently(the bag, duh!) Take out each bit one by one and copy conscientiously in…

  • An Interpretation of Hamlet

    (30-1) For hundreds of years, scholars have written about problems of interpreting this play. Complete any of the following statements and develop your thoughts in an entry in your blog. Trackback, SVP. What puzzles me most about Hamlet’s behaviour is . . . I don’t understand why Shakespeare included (didn’t include) . . . My…

  • Translations: Idea to Image

    Write as quickly as you can and as much as you can using the following list of 4 words in addition to a few spontaneously selected words. Rage Order Justice Common Pollute Addiction Challenge Fantastic Binder Then remove the listed words from your writing and leave a set of () behind. Next to each listed…

  • Plato’s Cave Allegory

    from Republic, BOOK VII And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened: Behold! human beings living in a underground den, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs…