Tag: images

  • Prepare for English Language Arts Finals

    For those in the midst, or looking ahead at finals in my LA classes(9, 10-1, 20-1, 20-2, 30-1, 30-2). Consider the outcomes we’ve tried to achieve. Enhancing the artistry of communication has been a strong technical focus. Skills mastered include using online blogging tools, Word Processing, Spreadsheets, even graphical enhancements using Photoshop or audio/video podcasting…

  • Exptrapolation

    The life which is unexamined is not worth living. – Plato Write a story in which a protagonist undergoes a transformation in the search for self. Have your character encounter basic questions about his/her identity. Consider using the following images:

  • The Night Aunt Dottie Caught Elvis’s Scarf When He Tossed It From The Stage Of The Rushmore Plaza Civic Center

    This exercise is simple: write a poem about a family member meeting a famous person. All of us have such incidents embedded in family history or folklore: the day Dad shook hands with Ike in France; the time Mom spilled coffee on Elizabeth Taylor in a pizza parlour in San Mateo; the night Aunt Dottie…

  • My Mother’s Kitchen

    Use pencil crayons to draw a picture of your mother’s kitchen. Put the oven in it, and also something green, and something dead. Write a poem about your mother’s kitchen. You are not in this poem, but some female relation – aunt, sister, close friend – must walk into the kitchen during the course of…

  • Plato’s Mimetic Theory of Art(RS 25)

    Have a look at this powerpoint file here. Wikipedia additional terms needed to answer the following: Given that what we experience of reality is merely a simulation in our minds, then all art is a simulation of a simulation. Is art useless? In our engineered age, an age of HDTV, megapixels images, colour laser printers,…

  • Flickr Plugin works, again.

    Flickr changed how you access your images in early September. So I’ve updated the plugin. You’ll need to have an “API Key” and a “Shared Secret”, now. It is a good idea to put images on Flickr instead, or in addition to, stj servers. Flickr badges are cool, too. Do not activate the Flickr plugin…

  • iBox for your images

    Click the images. Before iBox After iBox Want to know how? Start a thread in the forum, “How to iBox?”. When three STJ bloggers post, let me know and I’ll join in with the secret.

  • STJ Volleyball Championship Graghics Challenge

    Help with the graphics for our Senior Girls ASAA Championship website. Look at the header images here: supervoley asaa.reveal.ca ours We can do better, I know it. The images you use to create the header MUST be “public domain” such as those from freefoto.com. I prefer 100% verifiable original artwork. If I am in doubt,…

  • Hotlinking Images? We have all done it. Warnings!Warnings!Warnings!

    When adding an image to your page with a link to an image on another site, you may get unexpected results. This is called hotlinking: when images appear to be embedded on your page, but are simply linked to someone else’s page. Advantages: no bandwidth or disk quota used from your account because you are…

  • Grade 10 Mages reflect on the last week

    Recall images, faces, reactions, hecklers, stumbles, successes from the last week preparing and performing for the elementary students. See if you can’t work into your reflections a discussion of the postulates: can something come from nothing? does God exist? is our soul immortal? is our will our own? As well, discuss the presence of fear…