Tag: letter

  • Hamlet: After Act 1 and 2(English 30)

    Major Response (30-1)”I know not seems.” In I, ii, 76, Hamlet claims that his grief is real, not just a show. Make a chart of all the occasions in Act 1 and 2 when there is a difference between the way a character seems to be and the way he or she really is. Create…

  • Is Polonius a Good Father?

    Write about whether or not you think Polonius is a good father. In your post, explain which of his actions were right and which were wrong. Create your own description of a good father. Write a letter to Polonius offering him advice about ways in which he could become a better parent. Trackback, svp.

  • Exptrapolation

    The life which is unexamined is not worth living. – Plato Write a story in which a protagonist undergoes a transformation in the search for self. Have your character encounter basic questions about his/her identity. Consider using the following images:

  • Insert a New Scene into Macbeth

    Compose Act 5 Scene 5a: Lady Macbeth is reading letters while weeping. Enter Ross. Compose Act 6 Scene 1: Donalbain visits the Witches. Compose Act 5 Scene 9b: Malcolm’s speech in which he “accounts the loves” of his thanes and kinsmen. Write a new opening for the play. Emphasize action and quick dialogue. Use Act…

  • Three Questions – by Leo Tolstoy

    One day it occurred to a certain emperor that if he only knew the answers to three questions, he would never stray in any matter. What is the best time to do each thing? Who are the most important people to work with? What is the most important thing to do at all times? The…