Hamlet: After Act 1 and 2(English 30)
Major Response (30-1)”I know not seems.” In I, ii, 76, Hamlet claims that his grief is real, not just a show. Make a chart of all the occasions in Act 1 and 2 when there is a difference between the way a character seems to be and the way he or she really is. Create…
My Mother’s Kitchen
Use pencil crayons to draw a picture of your mother’s kitchen. Put the oven in it, and also something green, and something dead. Write a poem about your mother’s kitchen. You are not in this poem, but some female relation – aunt, sister, close friend – must walk into the kitchen during the course of…
So I was listening to Music from the Junos . . .(RS25)
The lyrics from K-OS’s, “Heaven Only Knows,” struck a chord with something we had been discussing in class about “mysticism.” Discuss the following K-OS lyrics based on what we’ve learned when comparing Western and Eastern Mysticism. Have a careful listen to a variety of current or classic tunes by a variety of recording artists. Which…
When the basic needs are met, then what?(RS 25)
Today we asked if there was something all humans strive for after all needs have been met. Of course, only a philosopher can imagine a world in which all needs could be met. But there must be something to the question asked of Sophie: Is there something else that all humans, all times and all…
Here’s an idea that could snowball!
Find a “copyright-free” etext online at, say, Project Gutenberg or here or here Start a new blog. Parse your etext into manageable chunks and insert into your blog. Add graphics and organizers. Edit theme. Voila. Look at Castle of Otranto and The Jesuit Relations and the History of New France as examples. Search for works…
Bloggiest start to the bloggiest year ever.
What a funny word, “bloggiest”. Should I say it is a “most bloggy” start to the year? Does correct English matter in a blog? All students I teach have begun a blog, of sorts. For the most part, I’ve insisted the content of the blog must be school or course related, the myriad responses to…
Three Questions – by Leo Tolstoy
One day it occurred to a certain emperor that if he only knew the answers to three questions, he would never stray in any matter. What is the best time to do each thing? Who are the most important people to work with? What is the most important thing to do at all times? The…
IV. ENGLISH 10: The Three Questions
ENGLISH 10 Comments only SVP. Scour your notes, “google” your minds, attach a comment with an idea, impression, concept. Make references to literature, film, philosophy, history, psychology, business, politics, etc. Respond to these questions on your own blog AFTER reading: “The Three Questions” by Leo Tolstoy “The Three Questions” by Jon J. Muth When is…