English 10 Final Exam: Decisions
We must constantly make decisions in daily life. Some decisions are simple choices (e.g., Coke or Pepsi) while others affect people’s entire lives. Furthermore, every decision has consequences and often there is not a clear alternative. Decisions involve weighing alternatives and considering the consequences. This is an opportunity for students to examine values, beliefs, and…
Parent Guide: Five reasons why being kind makes you feel good
This week in class, we’re reading “Five reasons why being kind makes you feel good — according to science” by Jo Cutler, Robin Banerjee. In the informational text, “Five reasons why being kind makes you feel good — according to science” Jo Cutler and Robin Banerjee discuss why being kind to others can improve your mood.…
Parent Guide: Discover Writing Prompts
Here’s the deal for this OPTIONAL writing activity. Students can create a new “Discover” post in their iBlog. They can then use the score I give on that post to replace any other “Work From Home” mark in Google Classroom – if that is fair. A mark already in PowerSchool can only go up I…
English 10-1 Final Exam
This final exam will be two written responses: one creative narrative AND one expository literary response to Shakespeare. Divide your time 50/50 between the two, I offer. Total time: 2.5 hours Written Response #1: Narrative The first response must be a narrative – but here are the rules. Your narrative elements – setting, characters, conflicts,…
English 10-1 Final Exam 1
This final exam will be two written responses: one creative narrative AND one expository literary response to Shakespeare. Divide your time 50/50 between the two, I offer. Total time: 2.5 hours Written Response #1: Narrative The first response must be a narrative – but here are the rules. Your narrative elements – setting, characters, conflicts,…
Lord of the Flies Written Response
Read Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Choose one of the following approaches as a final written response to the novel: 1. Write a 5 Paragraph Essay: How do we live with the consequences of our decision making? or 2. Write Chapter 13: “Gift of the Goddess.” Write a final chapter to the novel…
ELA 10-1, 10-2, 10-4 Final (Sader, and only Sader)
The Hero’s Journey. Suggested Time: 2.5 Hours Use Microsoft Word, no internet access. Create a short story from the point of view of one hero you have studied this semester. Put that character into a new “hero’s journey.” Here’s the catch, all elements of your new short story ought to be inspired by what you…
ELA 10-1 Final (King, Sommer, Clark)
Suggested Time: 2.5 Hours Use Microsoft Word, no internet access. Choose one of the following: Expository Literary Essay: Character Fails to See Truths Expository Literary Essay: Moral Conflict Expository Literary Essay: In Search of Self
2016 ELA 10 Final Exam
Consider the following two pages of prompts. Then complete ONE the writing assignments. Equality–Pain and Pride Environment and Technology–Reality and Responsibility Assignment (choose one): Write a narrative or essay in which you examine the pain and pride in being human. OR Write a narrative or essay in which you examine how the environment influences…
Questions to Consider for Hamlet
What troubles Hamlet at the opening of the play? When Horatio tells Hamlet about the apparition, who does Hamlet think it might be? What does he decide to do? What type of omen does Hamlet think the apparition is? Describe Hamlet’s meeting with the ghost. Who is the ghost? Why has it appeared? What does…