English 10-1 Final Exam 1

This final exam will be two written responses: one creative narrative AND one expository literary response to Shakespeare. Divide your time 50/50 between the two, I offer.

Total time: 2.5 hours

Written Response #1: Narrative

The first response must be a narrative – but here are the rules. Your narrative elements – setting, characters, conflicts, symbols – must be synthesized from characters, settings, conflicts, and symbols studied in literature in this course. You can write in first-person or third person point of view.

Consider the following prompt to get you started:

While on the Easter 2020 STJ school field trip to Italy you experience a “pan-dimensional paradox in the space-time construct.” At a moment where you are witness to a rioting crowd outside a soccer stadium in Rome, you see a flash of light and characters from ELA 10 (characters you have added to your imagination from film, plays, novels, and stories you have studied) begin appearing in the scene. You see a noble character suffer evil consequences for attempting to show empathy for the well-being of another. The scene closes when you notice a “sixty-something-year-old” man holding a pen and a notebook. He gives you a solemn wink and a nod.


Written Response #2: Expository Literary Essay

The second response must be an expository essay about a character’s decision to choose action over apathy. Here are the rules. Your essay must be on Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar. It must be at least 5 paragraphs. You must give specific examples, reasons, and details from the work to explain the nature of at least one character’s decision(s) to chose action over apathy.

Using specific references to the play Julius Caesar explain how a character(s) chose action over apathy. How and why must s/he act upon his/her knowledge, values, and abilities for the well-being of others?

Rubric 1: Narrative

Rubric 2: Essay