Hamlet: After Act 1 and 2(English 30)
Major Response (30-1)”I know not seems.” In I, ii, 76, Hamlet claims that his grief is real, not just a show. Make a chart of all the occasions in Act 1 and 2 when there is a difference between the way a character seems to be and the way he or she really is. Create…
English 10: Final Essay 2008
Choose one of the following: Write an essay based on literature you have studied in which the author examines Life Pressures. What idea(s) does the writer develop regarding Life Pressures? Write an essay based on literature you have studied in which the author examines Values. What idea(s) does the writer develop regarding Values? Write an…
I wish to dwell on Ophelia (Eng. 30)
Many scholars discuss the significance of Ophelia only as far as she impacts the development of the character of Hamlet. I hate that. Ophelia is far more important than the 5 scenes in which she appears. The tragedy of Ophelia deserves more considered attention. Write about the life and death of Ophelia. Write about the…
Catch one of these on your tongue (LA 9)
The snowflake blog deals out an assortment of writing ideas. Students can pick from a variety of prompts. Try not to make any two posts the same. Send a trackback.
Random Ideas (LA 9)
For a while now, every STJ blogger is faced with a “Random Idea” each time the begin a new post. Well, there should be dozens, hunerds, towsands of such posts in our blogosphere by now. Trackback your “Random Idea” posts here.
An Exodus Within(RS 25)
Sophie was introduced to Aristotle. Ideas no longer belong to a realm of their own, but somehow the idea is within the thing. Aristotle could explain this by talking of sculptures and stone. Review what was said earlier about Plato and art. Discuss Aristotle’s take on the place of ideas and art. Search for a…
1 Million Spams and counting
The best story today concerns the STJ email server. Good luck to those with email inboxes that have close to 4000 messages. My sympathy as you begin deleting over over 800 pages of messages, 20 per page. I wouldn’t have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes. Every email account I…
Flickr Plugin works, again.
Flickr changed how you access your images in early September. So I’ve updated the plugin. You’ll need to have an “API Key” and a “Shared Secret”, now. It is a good idea to put images on Flickr instead, or in addition to, stj servers. Flickr badges are cool, too. Do not activate the Flickr plugin…
Here’s an idea that could snowball!
Find a “copyright-free” etext online at, say, Project Gutenberg or here or here Start a new blog. Parse your etext into manageable chunks and insert into your blog. Add graphics and organizers. Edit theme. Voila. Look at Castle of Otranto and The Jesuit Relations and the History of New France as examples. Search for works…