Read the first scene of Julius Caesar(or here or here).
Recall class discussions on the “Four Postulates.”
Recall class discussion on Stoicism and Epicureanism.
What is the Feast of Lupercal? Why would it have any appeal to an Epicurean? A Stoic?
Are Marullus and Flavius more Epicurean or Stoic in their response to the citizens’ preparations for Caesar’s victory parade?
How do the citizens behave throughout the scene? Initially are they Stoic or Epicurean? How do they leave?
Predict Caesar’s response to Marullus and Flavius driving away the vulgar herd.
Who killed Pompey? What is a Triumvirate? Why was the First Triumvirate “unofficial”? Who forms the Second Triumvirate?
What other questions can you raise about Act 1, Scene 1?