Category: English 20

  • Parent Guide: College students with disabilities are too often excluded

    Parent Guide: College students with disabilities are too often excluded

    This week in class, we’re reading “College students with disabilities are too often excluded” by Christa Bialka. In the informational text, “College students with disabilities are too often excluded,” Christa Bialka discusses how students with disabilities are not included in many on-campus activities. As your child reads, they will be considering the themes of Community and Prejudice…

  • English 10-1 Final Exam 2

    This final exam will be a CHOICE of two written responses: one creative narrative OR one expository literary response to Shakespeare. Total time: 2.5 hours Written Response #1: Narrative The first response must be a narrative – but here are the rules. Your narrative elements – setting, characters, conflicts, symbols – must be synthesized from…

  • In Camera: English 20-1 Final Exam

    Imagine a mysterious room. In the room there are three people waiting. The three people are deceased. The room then is a depiction of the afterlife. A character from Shakespeare’s Macbeth has spent a long time alone before eventually being joined by a short story character from the Imprints 11 anthology. Soon after, a character…

  • ELA 20-1 Final Exam

    DIRECTIONS: Write a well-organized composition on the topic below. Write an essay, arguing how a Canadian poem you have studied is indeed “rooted in Canada and has drawn its essential characteristics from there”(Northrop Frye – from “Preface to ‘The Bush Garden’”). Using specific references from the poem and Frye, explain the poem’s “essential characteristics,” the…

  • 2015 ELA 20-2 Final Exam: Suffer

    He drew a circle that shut me out — Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout. But Love and I had the wit to win: We drew a circle that took him in. – Edwin Markham DIRECTIONS: Write a well-organized composition on the topic below. Often in literature, a major character faces a conflict between his…

  • 2015 ELA 20-1 Final Exam: Moral Conflict

    He drew a circle that shut me out — Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout. But Love and I had the wit to win: We drew a circle that took him in. – Edwin Markham DIRECTIONS: Write a well-organized composition on the topic below. Often in literature, a major character faces a conflict between his…

  • Macbeth: After Act 5 Personal Response

    Examine one of the following topics and write a narrative or personal essay: Kingship (Consider the four Kings in the play: Duncan, Macbeth, Edward, Malcolm) Ambition (Consider the ambitions of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth) Guilt (Consider Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s response to guilt – and/or the Macduffs) Order (Consider nature, politics, relationships, and how order…

  • Macbeth: After Act 3 Personal Response

    Respond to one of the following prompts: Sometimes we feel so angry or frustrated, so helpless or desperate that we lose all caution and restraint. Describe such an experience of your own or of someone you know. If you had to choose between loyalty to your family and loyalty to your country, what decision would…

  • Macbeth: After Act 2 Personal Response

    Respond to one of the following prompts: Most of us have been afraid of the dark at one time or another. Think of a time when you or someone you know felt frightened in the dark. Describe the experience, explaining how the person dealt with the terror. Think of an action you took and then…

  • ELA 20 Short Story Unit

    Short Story Unit Part 1: Read “An Ounce of Cure” and “The Quiet One”   Formative: Complete each of the following “Exploring the Text” responses. (20-1 + 20-2) (20-1)   Summative: Post/print and hand in both of the following: (20-1 + 20-2) Personal Response (pick one) (20-1) Critical Response (pick…