Category: English 20

  • Macbeth Hints: Act 3 Quiz

    1. “No less material” 2. “Under [his] thumb” 3. “Kids Wanna Rock” 4. “when the President does it, that means it’s *not* illegal!” 5. “It is common for people today to question how any leader can be a tyrant who achieves office through popular election, and, indeed, who remains popular.” 6. “Cinderella Story“

  • English 20 go into the dark to see the light

    We’ve been asking questions about the world. Some have read Plato’s Cave Allegory. Our discussions have tried to be more philosophical. Kierkegaard’s leap into faith and nihilism a bit. We seem to return always to our four postulates: Something can come from nothing, God exists, Humans have immortal soul, Humans have free will. We have…

  • While you read…Brave New World

    Using the format of a blog, comment at the end of each reading session on both the substance of your reading and its effects on you. Record pages or sections on which you are commenting. Record your impressions of characters, events, conflicts, descriptions. Record responses to your own questions. Record questions about the novel as…

  • English 20 Final Exam 08

    We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. Plato (427 BC-347 BC) We must constantly make decisions in daily life. Some decisions are simple choices (e.g., Coke or Pepsi) while others affect people’s entire lives. Furthermore, every decision…

  • Canadian Poetry Unit Plan

    I’ve selected three mini-units for our study of Canadian Poetry: Individuals Losers Outsiders Throughout your study, think carefully and creatively about responses to your course focus questions. Maintain a connection to characters you’ve already studied. Extend your discussion of image, symbol, and archetype. Consider: Principal Images of Heaven and Hell and Principal Images of Innocence…

  • English 20 Final Exam 2.0

    Search the net, search blogs, search your mind. Synthesize, hyperlink, blockquote, and trackback. Your writing should be a synthesis of the 5 paragraph essay AND a blog post. Refer to one or any texts from your course: Macbeth, BNW, Can. Lit., Film, News, or other online media. Your question: What does it mean to be…

  • Pingback Trackback of the Canadian Outback

    English 20(Chem) Your task is to complete Writing Activity 1 from my canpoets blog. Just following those instructions will not be enough, however. Your assignment will not be complete until a “trackback” or “pingback” appears in the comment section on my Writing Activity 1 post. I’ll have a bag of cookies on standby. Cookie of…

  • What happened to the animals in BNW?

    What happened to the animals in BNW? Suggest a brief history of “pets” up to AF632. What attitudes do people have towards animals? Why are there no “conditioned” animals as pets? What are the attitudes towards animals on the reservation? Consider our society. Are pets necessary? Why? Oh and I have a searchable BNW etext…

  • Insert a New Scene into Macbeth

    Compose Act 5 Scene 5a: Lady Macbeth is reading letters while weeping. Enter Ross. Compose Act 6 Scene 1: Donalbain visits the Witches. Compose Act 5 Scene 9b: Malcolm’s speech in which he “accounts the loves” of his thanes and kinsmen. Write a new opening for the play. Emphasize action and quick dialogue. Use Act…

  • Macbeth Act 2 Quiz Hints

    “What goes around comes around” “Pillow Talk” “Smear Campaign” “A Canadian Moment” “Sibling Rivalry” Don Henley’s “Dirty Laundry”