Tag: poet

  • Pingback Trackback of the Canadian Outback

    English 20(Chem) Your task is to complete Writing Activity 1 from my canpoets blog. Just following those instructions will not be enough, however. Your assignment will not be complete until a “trackback” or “pingback” appears in the comment section on my Writing Activity 1 post. I’ll have a bag of cookies on standby. Cookie of…

  • Translations: Idea to Image

    Write as quickly as you can and as much as you can using the following list of 4 words in addition to a few spontaneously selected words. Rage Order Justice Common Pollute Addiction Challenge Fantastic Binder Then remove the listed words from your writing and leave a set of () behind. Next to each listed…

  • Ten Minute Spill

    Write a ten-line poem. Find a proverb, adage, familiar phrase, or brainy quote that you have changed in some way as well as five of the following words: cliff, blackberry, needle, cloud, voice, mother, whir, lick. You have ten minutes. No rhyming. P.S. We will be practising poetry posting permanently. Please create categories in your…