While you read…Brave New World
Using the format of a blog, comment at the end of each reading session on both the substance of your reading and its effects on you. Record pages or sections on which you are commenting. Record your impressions of characters, events, conflicts, descriptions. Record responses to your own questions. Record questions about the novel as…
English 30 Poetry Assignment
Respond to each of the following in a well-considered post in your blog. Limit your selection of detail to a separate poem for each response. Explain how image and symbol reinforce theme in a poem. Explain how facts about a writer’s life are relevant to your understanding of a poem. Explain how a poem can…
Creative Response: English 30
Choose from the following: (Partner up if/where necessary) Write a folk song. Create a dialogue in the forums between any 2(or more) authors. Create a dialogue in the forums b etween any 2 or more characters Create a new scene to be inserted into a text synthesizing a character(or 2) from outside the text. Trackback.…
Should machines be “smarter” than humans?
Start here(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_singularity). Are any of Huxley’s machines “smart”? Does Huxley’s future have any need for computation? Why, why not? Consider Huxley, what would be a “predicted future event believed to precede immense technological progress in an unprecedentedly brief time”?(Look at a the real world goal of Zyvex) Is Asimov enough? What would Young Macduff give…
Bloggiest start to the bloggiest year ever.
What a funny word, “bloggiest”. Should I say it is a “most bloggy” start to the year? Does correct English matter in a blog? All students I teach have begun a blog, of sorts. For the most part, I’ve insisted the content of the blog must be school or course related, the myriad responses to…
Three Questions – by Leo Tolstoy
One day it occurred to a certain emperor that if he only knew the answers to three questions, he would never stray in any matter. What is the best time to do each thing? Who are the most important people to work with? What is the most important thing to do at all times? The…