English 30 Poetry Assignment
Respond to each of the following in a well-considered post in your blog. Limit your selection of detail to a separate poem for each response. Explain how image and symbol reinforce theme in a poem. Explain how facts about a writer’s life are relevant to your understanding of a poem. Explain how a poem can…
The Night Aunt Dottie Caught Elvis’s Scarf When He Tossed It From The Stage Of The Rushmore Plaza Civic Center
This exercise is simple: write a poem about a family member meeting a famous person. All of us have such incidents embedded in family history or folklore: the day Dad shook hands with Ike in France; the time Mom spilled coffee on Elizabeth Taylor in a pizza parlour in San Mateo; the night Aunt Dottie…
So I was listening to Music from the Junos . . .(RS25)
The lyrics from K-OS’s, “Heaven Only Knows,” struck a chord with something we had been discussing in class about “mysticism.” Discuss the following K-OS lyrics based on what we’ve learned when comparing Western and Eastern Mysticism. Have a careful listen to a variety of current or classic tunes by a variety of recording artists. Which…
Plato’s Cave Allegory
from Republic, BOOK VII And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened: Behold! human beings living in a underground den, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs…