Category: English 30

  • Parent Guide: The Lottery

    Parent Guide: The Lottery

    This week in class, we’re reading “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson. In Shirley Jackson’s short story “The Lottery,” an entire town participates in a ritual that turns surprisingly sinister. As we read, we will be discussing the themes of Justice, Freedom & Equality, Morality, and Social Pressure as they relate to the text. We are…

  • Parent Guide: Sometimes a Dream Needs a Push

    Parent Guide: Sometimes a Dream Needs a Push

    This week in class, we’re reading “Sometimes a Dream Needs a Push” by Walter Dean Myers. In Walter Dean Myers’ short story “Sometimes a Dream Needs a Push,” a boy must change his approach to basketball when he loses the ability to walk. As we read, we will be discussing the themes of Friendship & Family and Resilience…

  • Parent Guide: The Scottsboro Boys

    Parent Guide: The Scottsboro Boys

    This week in class, we’re reading “The Scottsboro Boys” by Jessica McBirney. In “The Scottsboro Boys,” Jessica McBirney discusses the historic event in which nine black boys were wrongfully accused and convicted of assault. As we read, we will be discussing the themes of Justice, Freedom & Equality, Prejudice & Discrimination, and Social Change & Revolution as they relate…

  • Parent Guide: The Three Questions

    Parent Guide: The Three Questions

    This week in class, we’re reading “The Three Questions” by Leo Tolstoy. Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) was a famous Russian author, perhaps best known for his novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina. In this short story, a king looks for three answers to three questions in order to make himself a better ruler. As we read, we will be discussing…

  • Parent Guide: He-y, Come on Ou-t!

    Parent Guide: He-y, Come on Ou-t!

    This week in class, we’re reading “He-y, Come on Ou-t!” by Shinichi Hoshi (translated by Stanleigh Jones). “He-y, Come on Ou-t!” is an allegory about the consequences of environmental destruction, in which a town discovers a mysterious hole that seems to be the perfect solution to their trash problems. As we read, we will be…

  • Parent Guide: Identity

    Parent Guide: Identity

    This week in class, we’re reading “Identity” by Julio Noboa. In Julio Noboa’s poem “Identity,” a speaker explains why they would choose to be a weed over a flower. As we read, we will be discussing the themes of Beauty & Happiness, Identity, and Social Pressure as they relate to the text. We are trying…

  • Parent Guide: The Rose that Grew from Concrete

    Parent Guide: The Rose that Grew from Concrete

    This week in class, we’re reading “The Rose That Grew from Concrete” by Tupac Shakur. In Tupac Shakur’s “The Rose That Grew from Concrete,” the speaker describes a flower that grew in an unlikely place. As we read, we will be discussing the themes of Fate & Free Will and Resilience & Success as they relate to the text.…

  • Parent Guide: Five reasons why being kind makes you feel good

    Parent Guide: Five reasons why being kind makes you feel good

    This week in class, we’re reading “Five reasons why being kind makes you feel good — according to science” by Jo Cutler, Robin Banerjee. In the informational text, “Five reasons why being kind makes you feel good — according to science” Jo Cutler and Robin Banerjee discuss why being kind to others can improve your mood.…

  • Parent Guide: Discover Writing Prompts

    Here’s the deal for this OPTIONAL writing activity. Students can create a new “Discover” post in their iBlog. They can then use the score I give on that post to replace any other “Work From Home” mark in Google Classroom – if that is fair. A mark already in PowerSchool can only go up I…

  • Parent Guide: Grit

    Parent Guide: Grit

    This week in class, we’re reading “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” by Angela Lee Duckworth. In the TED Talk “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance,” Angela Lee Duckworth discusses the role that grit plays in success. As we read, we will be discussing the themes of Education & Knowledge and Identity as they relate to the…