Tag: English 9

  • In the News(CTS bloggers)

    CBC RSS feeds. Browse the many RSS feed categories. Select at least one to be added to your blog’s sidebar. Copy(right-click or control-click) a feed url from CBC RSS feeds. Go to Dashboard–>Presentation–>Sidebar Widgets–>Add RSS widgets. Drag RSS widget to your sidebar. Paste the url into the RSS widget. Save and view site.

  • Personal Universe Lexicon

    To construct your Personal Universe Lexicon, start with a new post. You may wish to construct the list with pen and paper first and transfer it to your blog later. Begin by following these instructions: Write down as many words as you can then sort the words into the categories outlined below. Complete each category.…

  • Audio Posts (But not quite podcasts, yet)

    Or rather, Audio in Posts. They’re not iTunesey podcasts, yet, but they’re simple enough. Your mp3 file must be less than 2MB and uploaded to your blog in the normal way. Go find the menu in Dashboard–>Options–>Audio Player. Read the check boxes, the third check box will automagically change your mp3 links in your posts…

  • Here’s an idea that could snowball!

    Find a “copyright-free” etext online at, say, Project Gutenberg or here or here Start a new blog. Parse your etext into manageable chunks and insert into your blog. Add graphics and organizers. Edit theme. Voila. Look at Castle of Otranto and The Jesuit Relations and the History of New France as examples. Search for works…

  • Bloggiest start to the bloggiest year ever.

    What a funny word, “bloggiest”. Should I say it is a “most bloggy” start to the year? Does correct English matter in a blog? All students I teach have begun a blog, of sorts. For the most part, I’ve insisted the content of the blog must be school or course related, the myriad responses to…