Personality vs Character?
ENGLISH 30 Comments only SVP. Scour your notes, “google” your minds, attach a comment with an idea, impression, concept. Make references to literature, film, philosophy, history, psychology, business, politics, etc. Keep your comments brief, 10-50 words. Comment as often as you like. Do we see ourselves the same way others see us?
Unversal Ideals
ENGLISH 30 Comments only SVP. Scour your notes, “google” your minds, attach a comment with an idea, impression, concept. Make references to literature, film, philosophy, history, psychology, business, politics, etc. Keep your comments brief, 10-50 words. Comment as often as you like. Are there universal ideals for which we all strive?
ENGLISH 30 Creation vs Destruction? (or somewhere in between?)
ENGLISH 30 Read Greene’s “The Destructors” Discuss anything you wish on your blog after giving the story full consideration. Synthesize into your discussion of the the story some/many/any ideas from: Universal ideals Personality or Character
Snowsuits for Grades 9-12
Something very new has been built into iblog, “snowsuits.” Be up to date with your posts. Hand in an up to date “Assessment Data Sheet.” If you think you can handle the responsibility, and if I think you’ve got the skills, I’ll enable your access to “snowsuits.” D. Sader (Fed your inner geek lately?)
Hamlet next for English 30
Grade 12s. I must have your data from the first two/three blog assignments ASAP. Have a look in your Dashboard==>Plugins. Freely restrict/limit access to your blog by activating plugins, especially the capatchas.
Plato’s Cave Allegory
from Republic, BOOK VII And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened: Behold! human beings living in a underground den, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs…