Tag: question

  • The Night Aunt Dottie Caught Elvis’s Scarf When He Tossed It From The Stage Of The Rushmore Plaza Civic Center

    This exercise is simple: write a poem about a family member meeting a famous person. All of us have such incidents embedded in family history or folklore: the day Dad shook hands with Ike in France; the time Mom spilled coffee on Elizabeth Taylor in a pizza parlour in San Mateo; the night Aunt Dottie…

  • When the basic needs are met, then what?(RS 25)

    Today we asked if there was something all humans strive for after all needs have been met. Of course, only a philosopher can imagine a world in which all needs could be met. But there must be something to the question asked of Sophie: Is there something else that all humans, all times and all…

  • 3 Questions(English 10)

    What will be the next global catastrophe? What is the next step for human evolution? What future communication technology would amaze you?

  • Should Believing Be Uncomfortable?(RS 25)

    What do you believe? Who are you? Why are you here? Where is here? Why is there evil in the world? Sophie has begun a journey to discover these, and many other, questions. What questions is she asking, what questions have been asked of her? What questions trouble you?

  • English 20 Final Exam 2.0

    Search the net, search blogs, search your mind. Synthesize, hyperlink, blockquote, and trackback. Your writing should be a synthesis of the 5 paragraph essay AND a blog post. Refer to one or any texts from your course: Macbeth, BNW, Can. Lit., Film, News, or other online media. Your question: What does it mean to be…

  • from Staying Human in an Engineered Age.

    Will we decide that we’ve grown powerful enough? Can we draw a line and say, “this far and no further”? How do we control the techno-scientific juggernaut before it dehumanizes our species? Is it possible for us to refuse to do something that we can do? Must we forever grow in reach and power? Or…

  • Three Questions – by Leo Tolstoy

    One day it occurred to a certain emperor that if he only knew the answers to three questions, he would never stray in any matter. What is the best time to do each thing? Who are the most important people to work with? What is the most important thing to do at all times? The…

  • IV. ENGLISH 10: The Three Questions

    ENGLISH 10 Comments only SVP. Scour your notes, “google” your minds, attach a comment with an idea, impression, concept. Make references to literature, film, philosophy, history, psychology, business, politics, etc. Respond to these questions on your own blog AFTER reading: “The Three Questions” by Leo Tolstoy “The Three Questions” by Jon J. Muth When is…

  • cool smilies

    😎 The following smilies have an extra space after the first character so you can see them here in text form. Remove the space and the smiley appears in published posts. ‘ : )’ => ‘icon_smile.gif’, ‘ : D’ => ‘icon_biggrin.gif’, ‘ : -D’ => ‘icon_biggrin.gif’, ‘: grin:’ => ‘icon_biggrin.gif’, ‘ : )’ => ‘icon_smile.gif’,…

  • Plato’s Cave Allegory

    from Republic, BOOK VII And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened: Behold! human beings living in a underground den, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs…